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Physique Transformation Level 1

What does it take to transform a physique?  From fad diets and pills to magazine training regimes and ab gizmos, I’m sure we’ve all tried something and are now a little wiser to what works and what doesn’t.

Yet, one method that could work for one person, is just as likely to be another’s downfall. So, if you’ve hit a plateau, are unsure where to begin or just want to be more specific in your approach, then this course is ideal in giving you the necessary tools and will teach you how to use it effectively.

This one day course provides a more in- depth understanding on the science of fat loss, muscle gain as well as other physiological factors to consider for an optimal physique transformation. It delves more specifically into program design, training protocols, nutrition, supplementation and the appropriate application of protocols. It also includes a practical training session where participants will be trained according to the scientific theories they have just learnt to reinforce their understanding.\


The content will specifically cover:

  • Program design for specific muscle gain and fat loss.


  • Individualisation of specific training protocols.


  • Common mistakes in the fat loss equation and the effects on gender differences.


  • Physiological factors to consider:
  1. Digestion and effective nutrient assimilation.
  2. Gut health, fat loss and muscle gain.
  3. Nutrition and the role of calories – is that the be all and end all?
  4. Supplementation and nutrient timing.


  • Mindset and physique maintenance.


  • Application of theory into training protocols.



  • Fitness professionals, such as athletes, coaches and trainers.


  • Bodybuilders, physique and bikini competitors.


  • Fitness enthusiasts who want to learn more and take their knowledge and training specificity to the next level.



  • No prerequisites



  • The course is a non-examinable module and participants will receive a certification of completion recognized by ASP Education International.



To see the schedule of ASP courses and to register, CLICK HERE.